I Am Lord of All I Survey

Admittedly, what I can survey from my apartment isn't that much...

So I bought an apartment. A brand-new, one-bedroom kinda thing in the inner-city of Brisbane, right next to the train line that’ll take me to work. Its…well, it’s definitely a thing. An exciting thing. A satisfying thing. A moderately, deeply terrifying thing. Take your pick, ’cause all of these things are accurate. On the list of things I expected from my life, owning property rated right up there with adopting a real life unicorn on the list of things that would never actually happen.

And yet, here I am. Sitting in a lounge room that’s essentially my lounge room, looking at the piles of partially unpacked boxes.

UnpackingIt doesn’t feel like home yet.

For one thing, I don’t have my routines down yet. I keep reaching for light switches that aren’t where I expect them to be. Nothing in the space triggers certain behaviours, whether it’s cooking dinner or sitting down to write or even going to bed at a specific time. I’m still getting used to the fact that I live alone once more, which is something I wanted, but takes some getting used to after two or three years of sharing a house.

I’m reworking budgets on the fly to take care of unexpected costs that come with owning your own place.

Chinese Food

I have run out of space before running out of boxes that need unpacking, which means I’m living among the clutter while I figure out what’s staying and what’s getting thrown away.

Most importantly, however, is this: the local Chinese noodle place serves it’s takeaway in cardboard boxes. And this makes me incredibly happy.


Picture of PeterMBall


Peter M. Ball is a speculative fiction writer, small press publisher, and writing mentor from Brisbane, Austraila. He publishes his own work through Eclectic Projects and works as the brain in charge at Brain Jar Press.

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