Not in Melbourne

So I’m not in Melbourne anymore and that makes me kinda sad. For the last four days I’ve been aimlessly wandering the city, catching up with friends I don’t get to see too often, eating good food and exercising my low-key superpower of being the only person in the world who goes to Melbourne and drinks bad coffee. I’ve returned to Brisbane fatter and happier than I left.

Now I’m warming up for the pre-work writing shift and a day that’s looking…well, kind of crazy, to be honest. There’s going to be a lot packed into the next three days of day-jobbery, from opening the next iteration of GenreCon through to shepherding a complete redesign of the website I’m managing.

More importantly, I shaved this morning. I don’t know what it is without me and Melbourne and not-shaving, but it always seems to happen and it never drives me crazy until I’m halfway home and sporting the kind of bum-fluff three day growth that represents my darnedest attempt to grow a beard.

It was good to shave.

And Brisbane, well, Brisbane has welcomed me home with a pretty fucking spectacular morning. Just the right mixture of cool air and sunlight and…well, Brisbane stuff.

I am not terribly eloquent this morning. I flew home last night and suffered from my usual air travel karma, which means there were delays and malfunctions and some arriving home far later than I expected to arrive home, and thus I am operating on less sleep than I’d wish.

In other news, I got asked if I’d be willing to write a post about rejection ratios for the Science of Fiction website a week or so back, and being the kind of guy who likes to muse on such things, I went ahead and wrote one (mostly in the form of a long email response to Andrew’s question; my natural state when answering all writing questions is basically set to rant).

Now I’m going to plug the earphones in and listen to a little Jane Austen Argument and get some words done.


Picture of PeterMBall


Peter M. Ball is a speculative fiction writer, small press publisher, and writing mentor from Brisbane, Austraila. He publishes his own work through Eclectic Projects and works as the brain in charge at Brain Jar Press.

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