Tag: Beer


This is what I’ve done this Sunday eve

When I got back from the Gold Coast, it was time to take a walk. When I got back from my walk, it was beer o’clock. When I went to the bottle-shop, they had Mango Beer. And really, that’s all you need to know to figure out how I reached this point of the evening. # So here is one of those things that I discovered this weekend: when you read something aloud to my father, particularly if it’s non-fiction, the text isn’t really a text so much as the beginning of a conversation. We discovered this on Friday night, when my mum was going through the copy of the second Women of Letters anthology I got her for Christmas (This, in and of itself, is something worth writing about, ’cause I’ve spent years trying to figure out how to buy books for my mum and it’s only occasionally that I get it right outside of the cook-book genre). My